by 6th Region Global Chamber of Commerce | Apr 14, 2022 | News
El Honorable Embajador de la República de Panamá en Jamaica, Dr. Lasford Emilio Douglas y el Segundo Secretario Roger González, atendieron en su despacho a la Sra. Karen Julius, Embajadora del “Encuentro de Reconciliación de la Madre África y su Diáspora”...
by 6th Region Global Chamber of Commerce | Apr 14, 2022 | News
Dr. Melida Harris Barrow is on a mission to Bridge Africa and Caribbean which hopes to create a landmark history in the global discussions of returns to root and atonement the way it has never been done before. Her assignment is a call to reality, it is divine...
by 6th Region Global Chamber of Commerce | Jul 5, 2021 | Blog
The journey of atonement is a vision birthed by Dr Melida Harris Barrow who is also the Founder and Board Chairman of the 6thRegion Global Chamber of Commerce.According to her, it is referred to as a “journey” and not an event, workshop, seminar or like...