We support the growth and development of the Continent, the African Diaspora and the indigenous people worldwide.

The Supreme Council Of African Ancestral Kings and Royalties (SCOAAKAR)
Dr. Melida Harris Barrow, Founder and CEO of the 6th Region Global Chamber of Commerce. The Supreme Council of African Kings and Royalties recently appointed Dr. Barrow as the Ancestral Royal Diaspora Queen Ambassador.
Africa is 60% arable land and carries 90% of raw materials.
Africa has 40% of the world’s gold reserves and 33% of the diamond reserves.
Africa has 1.3 biIIion inhabitants with a predominantly youthful population.
Africa has over 30,000 medical recipes.
Africa represents the future of humanity. By 2050, Africa alone will be able to feed 9 billion mouths.
Africa is bigger than all of Europe, China, and the United States of America combined; however, on most of the world maps in books, Africa’s dimensión is re- presented in a reduced size to create a visual Ilusión that Africa is small.